Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Yoga class for the FOG cricket team

Yesterday I conducted another yoga class. This time for the kids cricket team of the foundation. All kids were below 13 years of age. Luckily I had support by Thusara (manager of the sports academy) and Anjula (cricket team coach) helping me with Sinhala translation and the instructions.

See following sequence of pictures with the instructions below the pics explaining my instructions (some poses of Surya Namaskar are missing though, for a complete sentence please ask your yoga teacher or have a look here (Ashtanga style) or here (Shivananda style)):
With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and tilt slightly backward arching your back.
With a deep exhalation, bend forward and touch the ground, both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.
Hold your breath and straighten both your hands, legs and back. Your neck spine, thighs and feet should be in a straight line. Then lower your body to the ground
With a deep inhalation, slowly raise your head and your chest arching your back as much as possible. No weight is on your hands
Exhaling deeply, again push your butt and hips up towards the ceiling, arms aligned straight with your head. The heels are striving to the ground keeping your legs straight
Exhaling deeply, rise up and touch the ground, keeping both your palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.
And here also some video snippets from the class:

Yesterday's class was the first of 3 additional weekly Yoga classes (cricket and swimming team of the foundation). Now I conduct 4 classes in sum.

Actually I haven't had any plans to teach Yoga in Sri Lanka. It was just by chance when the Gintota school principal asked me to teach his students when I told him that I practise Yoga in Germany. Now I'm having 4 classes a week and I still can't believe it that I'm doing this. But it's great to see that the kids are enjoying so much. And it's even more fun for me to teach Yoga than the other IT-stuff (except the IT-class for the monks, this one is really so great because of the children...). Sometimes your life takes unexpected turns and delivers you to places you haven't expected to be possible.....

2 Kommentare:

  1. What a true statement my friend...

    But it also means that you have to give life a chance.

    Making once in a while a different, out of the ordinary decision.
    Changes are not happening due to fate they come with decisions.

    All the best

  2. Correct Alex. Without a decision there is no action and respective no change in life. But decisions are often made when you are facing a specific situation. So it's about recognising a chance once it is revealed to you. Maybe like jumping on a train, once you wait to long you will miss it and your chance is gone :-)
