Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Kathina-Ceremony at the Buddhist temple in Hikkaduwa

Yesterday I had the opportunity to join the Buddhist Kathina ceremony conducted by the temple in Hikkaduwa where I teach the monk kids. The chief monk invited me for this once in a year ceremony of the temple which is kind of the biggest party that buddhist monks are having :-). Not really knowing what shall await me in the evening I approached the temple at 9pm. I was told that the main event will be from 2-6am where a procession through the surrounding villages is taking place accompanied by thousands of villagers....

I heard first some rhythmic drum sounds and some flashy tones which came close to the sound of a trumpet. The following video shows the guys who made the music:

Until 2am in the night the monks were singing buddhist Pali verses. Inbetween some statues or other relics where solemnly carried to certain places in the temple. Many laypersons were sitting in and around the temple buildings praying or watching the scenery. An important relic (silver stupa) was then passed by the chief monk to a small boy (dressed as an ancient prince symbolising maybe an important person in the buddhist history) who carried the relic to a sacred room where it was deposited:

Later the procession began and several pickups carrying symbols like a golden buddha statue or several small buddha statues started in walking pace. More and more people joined and soon thousands of people came together in the middle of the night. This was really surreal!

Kathina procession in the streets of Hikkaduwa

I didn't wait till the end of the procession because I wanted to witness the ordination ritual which took place at the temple. At 4:30am I went back to the temple accompanying the chief monk. See following sequence of pictures I took of the ordination ritual:

The head of the small monk is getting shaved. The little boy was sighing silently. Poor boy, he realised now that his further live would be the life of a monk, apart from family and friends.....Quite hard to take for a boy of his age I find.....
After getting rid of the hair white clothes are worn
He looks nice in the white dress but the little monk aspirant is so sad....
A last hug of his mother can't ease his sorrow
The ordination process begins....
Now the monk robe is put on
Already looks like a monk now....
The buddhist ordination ritual is taking place
Beautiful buddha statue in a separate temple building
A lot of ornaments and further statues are telling the ancient story of the buddha
At last at 5:30am I arrived home. Luckily today is a free day due to fullmoon which is a bank holiday in Sri Lanka.....

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